Trailer of Neil Armstrong's biopic released

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,June 10 2018]

Someone has just made a film on the Moon-landing mission of Neil Armstrong. Titled 'First Man', the thriller has been directed by director Damien Chazelle of 'La La Land' fame. As the celebrated astronaut Neil prepares to become the first human to step on the moon, he goes through a series of challenges, failures and emotional upheavals before pulling off the final victory.

Based on the book 'First Man: The Life of Neil A Armstrong', written by James R Hansen, the film boasts of a gripping retelling of events that happened between 1961 and 1969.

The biopic stars Ryan Gosling as Neil Armstrong. Claire Foy, Corey Stoll, Kyle Chandler, Jason Clarke, Shea Whigham and Christopher Abbott are part of the cast. The biopic will hit the cinemas on October 12.