Check out the trailer of Hrithik Roshan & Saif Ali Khan starrer 'Vikram Vedha'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,August 24 2022]

The teaser of Pushkar-Gayatri's action-thriller 'Vikram Vedha' was launched online on Wednesday morning. Vikram Vedha's teaser emerged as a pleasant surprise to viewers with action packed visuals and an engaging story featuring Indian actors Hrithik Roshan as Vedha and Saif Ali Khan as Vikram.

The 1 minute 46 seconds long visual teaser from the film makes for a wholesome tease into the world of Vikram Vedha. The teaser is packed with whistle worthy dialogues, large scale action sequences and high on emotions drama backed with a very catchy background music. Overall, the teaser promises for Vikram Vedha to be a complete entertainment package.

The teaser, along with actors Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan and makers Pushkar-Gayatri received rave reviews and appreciation across digital platforms, with the audience rooting to watch the film in theatres on September 30th 2022.

Vikram Vedha is an action-thriller written & directed by Pushkar-Gayatri. The story of Vikram Vedha is full of twists and turns, as a tough cop Vikram (Saif Ali Khan) sets out to track and chase a dreaded gangster Vedha (Hrithik Roshan). What unfolds is a cat-and-mouse chase, where Vedha - a master storyteller helps Vikram peel back layers through a series of stories leading to thought-provoking moral ambiguities.