Trisha, Nayanthara and other Kollywood Queens miss the Nadigar Sangam Battle

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,October 18 2015]

None of the top heroines of Kollywood voice their views on Nadigar Sangame elections, throughout the course of the fierce election campaign by the incumbent team of administrators lead by President R,Sarathkumar and the Pandavar Ani spearheaded byVishal and Nasser. More startlingly none of them made a visit to the poll venue to cast their vote in the Nadigar Sangam elections held today amid extraordinary media glare and public attention.

Actresses Trisha, Nayanthara, Hansika, Samantha, Shruthi Haasan. Kajal Aggarwal, Tamannah, Sridivya, AmyJackson and other leading heroines did not take part in the polling held in a private school in Myalapore from 7 am to 5 pm today.

These actresses would have cast their votes through postal facility but there is no official confirmation regarding this as of now.

On the other hand senior actress Sachu was denied voting right citing that she had not renewed her membership by paying subscription. Votes of actors Mohan and Suresh were reportedly cast by unknown persons when they came for voting.

Nevertheless, the current edition of Nadigar Sangam election has seen a total of 2607 votes polled out of 3139 official members and this is the highest number of votes cast in the history of Nadigar Sangam.

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