Trisha offends Hindu People's Party!!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,January 21 2013]

In her recent film Samar, there is a scene in which Trisha acts like she consumes alcohol When asked about this, the leading heroine said, As I do booze scenes in movies, those movies turn into hits, so I did the booze scene for Samar.

This one sentence caused a controversy in Tamil Nadu as it offended the Hindu People's Party. The Head of this party, Muthuramesh responded to her statement angrily with, In Tamilnadu, youth are spoilt out of addiction to cigarette and alcohol. Every party agitates with purpose to abolish sale of liquor Also campaigns are being held to create awareness about the evil in the habit. Now Trisha's interview smashes efforts to create awareness. It is silly to say that movie turns hit if there is a booze scene. If a movie with obscene scenes by an actresses becomes a hit, would she consider it as a sentiment and do it for upcoming movies? Movies in which Rajni smoked became hits, and now he is stressing that youth should drop the habit. Also, Rajni has clarified the evils of liquor and cigarettes. But Trisha says that movies with booze scenes turn a hit and she also adds that she does it for every movie as it is an individual's choice. We wonder how this issue is going to be resolved.