Trouble ahead for 'Aazaan', fears protests

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,October 08 2011]

Sachin Joshi's 'Aazaan' is in a line of fire. A few prominent political parties active in Mumbai have questioned the film for its content and have also challenged the usage of the title 'Aazaan'. While the makers have been asked to explain, producer / actor Sachin and director Prashant Chadha are hardly amused by the accusations. Reason being that ever since the film's promotion began; the basic peg used for the entire drive has been to project 'Aazaan' as the biggest espionage thriller to have ever come out of Bollywood instead of picking on any religious sentiments.

On one side we are talking about things like global biological warfare and how one common man has the power to thwart a worldwide conspiracy. On the other side there are some out there who are still picking upon things that are unnecessarily controversial, says a senior crew member who wished to be unnamed.

Ours is an out and out commercial film which is not trying to begin any debate around terrorism or a minority community. Yes, there is a message being conveyed but it is not forced down your throat. And please, the last thought that anyone had in mind was to ignite any fire or hurt any sentiments; no one wants that, he continues.

The makers also go on to claim that there is quite some research that has gone into making this film.

Whether in terms of exploring how terrorism has a common thread running across nations or how Intelligence authorities across the globe are uniting to fight it out and make this a free world to live in, we have delved deep into the making of 'Aazaan'. Such controversies are just uncalled for, says Sachiin.

Well, one hope all indeed turns out to be well before the film hits the screens coming weekend.