Trump's next big plan: No US entry for pregnant women

The Donald Trump administration has come up with a proposal to end birth tourism in the US. What is birth tourism? It is the practice of traveling to another country for the purpose of giving birth in that country. The main reason for birth tourism is to obtain citizenship for the child in a country with birthright citizenship, says Wikipedia.

In the US, birthright citizenship is a constitutional right. What is it about? “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside, says the US Constitution.

As per media reports, Trump is now planning to introduce a new rule aimed at stopping pregnant women who travel to the U.S. to have a child.

As reported by NPR, Under a new State Department rule, officials can deny tourist visas to pregnant women if they believe the applicants are traveling here to secure American citizenship for their child by giving birth on U.S. soil.

Associated Press says, The regulations seek to chip away at the number of foreigners who take advantage of the constitutional provision granting“birthright citizenship” to anyone born in the United States.