TV is like a social service - Anchor Sreemukhi

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,May 14 2020]

Anchor Sreemukhi has a film coming up IT's Time To Party pretty soon and she talked to us about her career plans and her journey, till date. She started out her career as a co-host on Adhurs show with Pradeep and then acted in movies like Julayi.

Her pairing with Ravi in the show, Pataas, changed her career and gave her the name, Chinna Ramulamma. She said that she is happy to be recognized like that by audiences and felt really excited when even Vijayshanthi, who is known as Ramulamma, as she acted in Osey Ramulamma, called her so.

She in a jovial way said, TV feels like social service to me. As we have to work 15-16 hours a day to entertain audiences and it gives us more exposure as well. Whereas with films the process is lengthy and you will get a reaction from audiences only after 6 or 7 months. Hence, I love doing TV!

She also said that doing TV makes her comfortable but she has tremendous respect towards filmmaking and would love to do films that gives her different characters. She felt it is normal for people to assume an actor or actress to be good in certain roles and they approach them for that but it is up to the actor to prove what they can do.

She said that even though she entered into the field without knowing anything, she is enjoying being a part of it and can't imagine a life not doing creative work or being in creative field in some capacity.

She said that she will keep doing the hard work that made her so famous and loves Pataas among her shows as it catapulted her to stardom. She promised audiences, her fans and well-wishers that she will always be their energy unlimited, Ramulamma but will diversify as much as she can to attain even bigger position as an anchor.