UK approves world's costliest drug worth Rs 18 Cr a dose

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,March 10 2021]

A single dose of this drug costs a whopping Rs 18 Cr. This is the world's costliest treatment in the history of medicne. We are talking about Zolgensma, the gene therapy for a rare genetic disorder. Novartis has manufacutred the drug.

Talking about the invention, Matt Hancock said that Zolgensma is a life-saving drug that can enable mobility in babies and young children suffering from Spinal Muscular Atrophy. This will change the lives of some of the sickest babies and is testament to the power of modern science, a report said.

But isn't the astronomical cost abortive? Sky News reported that the public health service of the UK has struck a landmark confidential deal with Novartis at a price that is fair to taxpayers.

WION reported that, in the UK, as many as 80 babies a year are born with the Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Children who have the most common form of it - type 1 - have a life expectancy of only two years, the report added.