Umasri in triple role!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,July 28 2010]

The richly talented stage, cinema and television actress, the former MLC of the Congress-I, the national award winning actress for ‘Gulabi Talkies’ Umasri has donned the triple role of daughter, mother and ultra modern lady in ‘Idre Gopi Bidre Papi’ (IGBP) that is releasing on this Friday.

For the yesteryear’s ‘Veera Kesari’ song Umasri features in traditional looks is another highlight of her in ‘IGBP’.

Umasri donning three roles is nothing new to her as she is proficient in any role. In fact the grandmother role of ‘Putnanji’ in V Ravichandran and Meena starring ‘Putnanja’ showed the caliber of this actress 15 years ago.

In the recently released ‘Antharthma’, the pride of Kannada cinema Umasri was in different get up doing the comedy in every get up earned her rich laurels from the media.