Umesh Shukla to direct Bollywood remake of Korean film 'Miracle in Cell No.7'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,May 30 2017]

Umesh Shukla of 'OMG - Oh My God!' fame will direct the official Hindi remake of Korean movie 'Miracle in Cell No.7'.

International film production house Kross Pictures has signed an agreement to produce the remake in collaboration with Indian Film Studios, read a statement issued on Monday.

'Miracle in Cell No.7' is a light-hearted comedy, which narrates a story of a mentally challenged man who has been imprisoned on false basis for murder and how he develops a bond with the criminals in the jail.

"We are committed to maintain focus on quality and concept driven content, as we build a strong footprint here in India. It's a delight to announce the Hindi remake of 'Miracle in Cell No.7' with an acclaimed director like Umesh Shukla, as a fitting follow up to our last film 'TE3N'," said Thomas Kim, CEO of Kross Pictures.

Utpal Acharya, co-producer of Indian Film Studios, also said: "We are superbly excited to take this association to next level with Kross Pictures and looking forward to develop together in many other projects as well."

Shukla, who also helmed 'All Is Well', is currently directing '102 Not Out' with megastar Amitabh Bachchan and actor Rishi Kapoor.