Upendra and Shivarajkumar in Luv Kush

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,March 13 2006]

In the days of modern technology and globalization it is not possible to think of the epic Ramayana 'Lava Kusha' with two powerful stars Upendra and Shivrajkumar. But they are appearing in 'Luv and Kush' (meaning love and be happy) in two different roles for them in their career.

Whether this is going to be another 'Preethse' for both of them one has to wait and watch. Upendra and Shivrajkumar maiden combination was ' Om' the underworld subject film which got a new mileage for both Shivrajkumar as an actor and Upendra as director. Later they worked together in 'Preethse' for producer Rockline Venkatesh banner – a remake of Hindi block buster 'Darr'.

Now they are together in producer Prabhakar's next venture 'Luv Kush' that will be directed by Om Saiprakash.