Uppi autobiography

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,November 25 2017]

The super star Upendra is well known for his script writing. What about his life sketch? It was getting ready for the release for a long time.

The book with a caption ‘Idannu Odalebedi’ (don’t read it) has created another gimmick. That is the creativity of Upendra.

Upendra has given the poverty days and gives many incidents of his life that changed him considerably. Veteran journalist and literary personality Girish Rao alias Jogi released the book ‘Idannu Odabedu’ written by Upendra. Jalim of Saavanna Publication brought this book to the market.

This 144 pages ‘Idanna Odbedi’ with a face of Upendra and title of the book on his forehead is a ‘Mini Autobiography’ according to Upendra.