The total cost of US President Trump's stay in Ahmedabad, India will shock you

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, along with his wife Melania Trump, arrived in Ahmedabad today for the first leg of his maiden visit to India. The two-day trip aims at reinvigorating ties between the world's biggest democracies that have been strained by trade rows.

Trump will be spending barely three hours in Gujarat's Ahmedabad before heading to visit the Taj Mahal in Agra. The state government is expected to spend over Rs. 100 crores on the preparation of Trump's three-hour visit to the PM's hometown. According to an International news agency, security-related cost, including deployment of 12,000 police personnel would be another expenditure that would be borne by the Gujarat exchequer.

The state government expenditure reportedly includes Rs 60 crore for resurfacing of 17 roads and laying a dedicated 1.5 km road for Trump to travel back to the airport after opening Motera stadium. They have spent an additional Rs. 30 crores on improving road infrastructure and cricket stadium, according to the city's top civic official Vijay Nehra. Eighteen roads of about 20 kilometers (12 miles) in length from Ahmedabad Airport to Motera Stadium have been widened or re-laid, Nehra reportedly stated. Another Rs. 6 crores have been spent on beautification of the city.

During his speech at the Monera stadium, Modi mentioned, Today, at Motera stadium a new history is being scripted. 5 months ago, I was invited for a historic visit to Houston where were had a programme called 'Howdy, Modi!' Today, he is here for a historic visit to Ahmedabad, where he is being greeted with 'Namaste Trump'. This electrifying and cultural atmosphere may be here in Gujarat, but the mood reflects the feeling all of India has. The America-India relationship is no longer just another relationship, but an inclusive and exhaustive partnership. It is our pleasure to welcome and greet President Donald Trump, First lady Melania, Ivanka and Jared... their visit to India shows the importance the closeness in ties we share.

Donald Trump, in his speech at the stadium, expressed his awe at India's remarkable growth just in the last 70 years. The POTUS stated, I would like to begin by thanking my special friend - Prime Minister Modi. The Prime Minister - the son of a tea seller in this very city - has had a remarkable rise. He is a great man. Everybody loves him, but he is a very tough guy. The rise of India in the last 7 decades has been remarkable. The pace at which it has grown in the last 2 decades phenomenal. The people of India are an inspiration for the rest of the world.

Following his evening visit to the Taj Mahal later today, Trump will be participating in an open-press welcome ceremony at the Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi tomorrow morning.

After that, he will visit Mahatma Gandhi's memorial Raj Ghat. He will be heading to Hyderabad House later for bilateral meetings and lunch. Trump will be on his way back to Washington DC on Tuesday at 10 pm.