Hawaii Wildfire Tragedy: Biden's 'No Comment' Response Sparks Outrage

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,August 15 2023]

US President Joe Biden has faced criticism for his 'no comment' response when asked about the increasing death toll caused by devastating wildfires in Maui county, Hawaii. The wildfires have already resulted in 96 fatalities, marking the deadliest wildfire event in the country in over a century. Biden's response came while he was spending the weekend at his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

Bloomberg reporter Justin Sink shared the incident on X(formerly Twitter), quoting Biden's response and mentioning that he headed home afterward. The tragic wildfire situation is expected to lead to more casualties as rescue efforts continue. Only two of the 96 victims have been identified, and the remains have been found in distressing conditions, making recovery challenging.

Critics heavily criticized Biden's response, with some contrasting his actions with the gravity of the situation. Prominent voices expressed disappointment in his handling of the crisis, highlighting the severity of the disaster compared to his vacationing.

Despite the backlash, President Biden had previously declared the wildfires a major disaster, resulting in federal funding being allocated to support rescue and recovery efforts. Notably, the town of Lahaina in Maui county was completely razed by the fires, which were exacerbated by strong winds from Hurricane Dora.

Amid this turmoil, billionaire Jeff Bezos and his fiancée Lauren Sánchez announced a significant contribution of $100 million to the 'Maui Fund,' aimed at aiding the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the fire-ravaged Maui county in Hawaii.