Uttam Singh: High time Bollywood should come up with original songs

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,February 01 2017]

'Dil To Pagal Hai', 'Baghban' and 'Gadar: Ek Prem Katha' famed Veteran music director Uttam Singh feels the Hindi film industry needs to come up with new music rather than recreating old tracks.

"If the recreation of an old song is really good, then it is fine. But every time when you recreate old songs, then it is proved that you don't have to offer something new and original," Singh said here at the launch of Gujarati track "Pehlo prem".

"Earlier, music directors didn't recreate old songs. They always came with original songs. I feel recreating old music and giving own name is not right. It's high time to come up with original music rather than recreating the old ones," added the 68-year-old.

Singh feels the taste of the audience has not changed, but the lack of original music compels them to listen to what Bollywood gives them today. "Randhir Kapoor called me after 'Dil To Pagal Hai'. He said that I brought back the melody and peace to the music. What you offer, the audience has to listen to that. I think big production houses in Bollywood can change the trend."

"Only they have to find out the talented musicians and composers who can create new music. For creating new music, it takes time, knowledge and hard work which are dying these days."

"Same happens with the new singers. They keep on singing the old songs in reality shows. How one's singing talent can be judged through an old hit songs? Reality shows are the good platform for youngsters but the results are not so good."