Vaasthavam into theatres

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,November 10 2006]

Vaasthavam the new film by Prithviraj was released in 32 centres all over the state. The film was received with good initials as the star is having better times at the box office with the previous release Classmates which continue to be at the helm of the hit charts.

This third film by Padmakumar, also the third with Prithviraj is talked upon as a crucial film in the star's career.

Yes Your Honour also graced theatres today with 30 prints. The film tells a lighter story of barrister life, with Sreenivasan in the lead after quite a time.

Both these films are attempting to through light into the harsh realities of social life and corrupted society. While Vaasthavam tells the plot of secretariat bureaucracy, the later tells about the corrupted legal system of the country.

Both these are expected to become good earners, as they are supported by the best of the producers.