'Vaisakham' will surely be a big hit: Puri Jagannadh

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,May 17 2017]

'Vaisakham', directed by B Jaya and produced by BA Raju, will release as a summer gift.

Dashing Director Puri Jagannadh has expressed confidence in the movie's Box Office potential. "Whenever Jaya garu makes a movie, she invites me to listen to the songs and watch the trailer. I have liked the songs of 'Vaisakham'. Vasanth has done a very good job. Visually, choreography is also good. The lead pair, Harish and Avantika, are full of energy. They both have a great future. The film will surely become a big hit. Valishetty Subbarao's cinematography is excellent. The locations in which the songs were shot are new and rich. The visuals are simply beautiful".

B Jaya said, "On watching the songs of 'Lovely', Puri Jagannadh garu appreciated our team. That film became a big hit. Not only did he appreciate music director Anoop Rubens, but also selected him for his next movie. We are happy that he has once again praised the songs of 'Vaisakham'. He has come all the way to our office to view the numbers. He liked them a lot. The audience too are going to like the songs in this way. He too wants to shoot numbers in unexplored locations. I am very happy that the songs have inspired him, no less".

BA Raju said, "Puri garu's judgement is never wrong. When he watched the songs of 'Lovely', he predicted that the film will be a super hit. He has made a similar prediction now. We are going to release 'Vaisakham' in the first week of June".

Male lead Harish said, "We believe that Puri garu's is golden hand. He blessed 'Lovely' and it became a big hit. He has blessed 'Vaisakham' too. I am very happy that he is impressed with our songs".