This actor to become Bollywood's Assault Sethu!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,October 10 2017]

'Jigarthanda' directed by Karthik Subbaraj became an instant hit among the masses with its intriguing characters like 'Assault Sethu', the role which earned Bobby Simha a National Award. Even Superstar Rajinikanth himself expressed his interest to act in the role if he had been given the chance.

The black comedy crime film will now be remade in Hindi by director Nishikanth Kamath under the production banner of bollwood actor Ajay Devgn. And the highpoint is veteran actor Sanjay Dutt is going to essay the role of ‘Assault Sethu’ in this remake while Farhan Akthar will play Siddharth’s role of an aspiring director.

The shooting for the hindi remake of ‘Jigarthanda’ will begin from December 4 and is already drawing a lot of attention as fans are eager to see Sanjay Dutt give life to ‘Assault Sethu’, which role once the Superstar himself wanted to act in.