This is the way stardom changed Vicky Kaushal

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,March 18 2021]

Talent and hardwork is what it takes for a person to become a good actor while fame and love from the masses is what turns an actor into a superstar. Actor Vicky Kaushal came to light after the critically acclaimed film 'Masaan' and shot to fame after his stunning performances in films like 'Raazi', 'Sanju', 'Uri: The Surgical Strike'. The actor believes that all this fame and limelight has changed him as a person. The celebs are often under critical observation which has made Vicky more guarded person than before.

In an conversation with Cosmopolitan India, Vicky said, With fame, I think one ends up becoming a little guarded. Because, your personal lives suddenly come into the public domain—and you don’t want all the discussion and scrutiny to affect your loved ones. Earlier, I was more forthcoming about everything in my life. But stuff gets written about you without any authenticity, without it being cross-checked. It almost becomes a game of Chinese whispers—how it starts and how it ends are two completely different stories altogether. And then you have to offer up several clarifications and justifications. So, with time, I have learnt to be more careful about issues that are not work-related, and to safeguard my privacy.