First time in the history! Single Track release for a Vijay film

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,August 08 2017]

As we all know. Thalapathy Vijay's 'Mersal' audio launch is all scheduled to happen on August 20, 2017. Now comes the surprise announcement about the Single Track composed by the film's music director A.R. Rahman. .

Hema Rukmani, the CEO of Thenandal Studios Limited which is bankrolling this Atlee directed flick has announced that the first Single Track from 'Mersal' is "on it's way".

Since the audio launch itself will happen in two week's time from now. We can expect that the separate single track will be released very soon probably within this week.

This will be the first ever time there will be a separate single track release for a Vijay starrer.