Breaking ! Vijay Sethupathi turns singer for Yuvan Shankar Raja new movie

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,February 28 2018]

Vijay Sethupathi has crooned for a song in the music of Yuvan Shankar Raja for the first time in a new movie Pei Pasi directed by Shrinivas Kavinayam.  The film has Hari Krishnan Bhaskar as the hero.

Hari Krishnan Bhaskar is the cousin of Yuvan Shankar Raja and he is making his debut as hero in 'Pei Pasi'. The music director has posted Vijaysethubathy singing for the first time, a cool track for the movie 'PeiPasi' introducing my cousin Hari Krishnan bhaskar as the main lead, directed by Shrinivas Kavinayam watch out guys...!