Vijay's blockbuster director supports Superstar Rajnikanth!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,January 22 2020]

Superstar Rajnikanth's statements on Periyar in the recently held 50th anniversary celebration function of Tughlaq magazine had created a huge controversy as many politicians opposed the statement and Dravida Kazhagam had filed a police complaint against the actor.

Yesterday Rajnikanth met media and said that what he had said in the Tughlaq event was true and was based on reports in Outlook magazine and concluded that he will not apologize for his statements. After this statement from Rajnikanth, many hashtags supporting and against the actor were trending on social media.

While many celebrities also supported Rajnikanth, director Perarasu known for directing blockbuster movies Thirupachi and Sivakasi with Vijay had tweeted that if Rajnikanth has to apologize for speaking about Periyar, then everyone who has spoken bad of Hinduism and Hindu gods must apologize.