Vijay Tv anchor Sriranjani alleges 'Kabali' actor of phone sex

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,October 17 2018]

In another shocking development in the Me Too movement television anchor Sriranjani has alleged that actor John Vijay called her in the middle of one night and tried to engage in phone sex with her. She has also stated that her husband Amit Bhargav encouraged her to expose the incident that happened in 2014.

Sri Ranjani has further revealed that John Vijay bragged that during the shooting of 'Kabali' he used to coax girls asking for a selfie to kiss him in return. It is sad that so many popular and talented actors and technicians including Nana Patekar, Alok Nath, Vairamuthu, Susi Ganesan among others are featuring in undesirable news.