Vijeth Krishna exposes Chandan Shetty

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,February 15 2018]

It was nothing but plagiarism on the part of Chandan Shetty , rap king and big boss 5 winner in taking credit for the popular video album ‘3 Peg’.


Vejeth Krishna speaking to media persons exposed Chandan Shetty and said entire music composition for ‘3 Pege’ was done by him but he did not get due credit. Chandan Shetty claimed that he is the all in this entire video album.

The composition for this ‘3 Pege’ was done in 2010 in 2012 Chandan writing one stanza sing this song. Chandan Shetty first made ‘Halaaghode’ and programming for this was made by me says Vijeth Krishna. When his composition was released in the market, Chandan did not bother to answer his calls.  After the popularity Chandan Shetty gained from 3 Peg, Vijeth Krishna did not call him again.