Vikram Karthik hero turns villain in real life

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,March 16 2018]

Here is a case of Kannada film macho hero in one and only film ‘Aptha Mithra 2’ – Vikram Karthik turning real life villain.

Vikram Karthik cooked up a dacoit story but he had to accept his mistake at the police investigation. Drunk Vikram Karthik dashed his swift Maruthi car near Shankar Math signal to another car. It was a severe damage to the car he dashed in drunken mood.

When he was taken to task by affected car owner he removed his money, mobile from the pocket for compensation. Next day he got admitted to a hospital and a complaint was filed to the police station.

He filed a complaint of dacoit attacking him and relieving him of money and mobile phone. The police on investigation checked the CC TV footage. The investigation revealed that Vikram Karthik is culprit and that too in drunken mood.