A new experience reviewing First Half of 'Irumbu Thirai'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,May 09 2018]

Today (9/5/2018) the press was treated to a never before experience of watching only the first half of 'Irumbu Thirai'.  Though we will not be able to review the film untill the full version is seen we can give you the specifics of this very topical subject that most viewers can relate to.  The plot deals with how criminals using the internet and you smart phone can steal your money without you knowing it and you can do nothing about it.

The ever fit Vishal plays an army officer with an anger problem and the backstory gives you indepth info on why he is what he is.  Needless to say that it is a tailor made role for the tall and fit hero and he excells in the action as well as the emotions especially spitting anger on his father.  Samantha is a breeze as the psychiatrist who treats the hero.  Action King Arjun the seasoned actor uses his voice alone to express his menace in most places and he gets a mass hero entry although he is the villain.  Robo Shankar's comedy sense and Delhi Ganesh's experience is showcased here and there.

To sum up the first half does shoot up the curiosity as to how this cyber crime thriller will unfold in the second half.