Vishal to support the higher education of economically poor students

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,May 18 2016]

Actor Vishal apart from his busy work schedule and Nadigar Sangam related works has been involving actively in public service works. He has been rendering various forms of assistance to the underprivileged through his Devi Trust.

Yesterday the results of 12th grade State Board Exams have been published and many students across the state have cleared the exams with flying colors. Every year we have seen many deserving students unable to join the course they prefer due to their poor financial status.

This year the initiative of Vishal and a group of like-minded friends is intended to help such students and this will surely go a long way in achieving the purpose of filling the gap between money and higher education.

Vishal in a video message has said that any student who has cleared state board 12th exams, but could not bear the cost of higher education can contact his Devi Social and Educational and Foundation, a trust run by Vishal under the name of his mother Devi.

Vishal feels that education is very important and no one should be deprived of that due to financial status He has said that students from poor economic background, especially the girl students can make use of this financial assistance and the only thing they need to do is contact the phone number that has been given in the video message. He has also requested everyone to share the video and the message in social media so that it reaches the deserving candidates.

The contact number of Devi Social and Educational and Foundation is +91-8745009846.

Indiaglitz appreciates this initiative by Vishal to support the educational aspirations of economically disadvantaged students. We also request our readers and followers to share this video and message.