Vishwak Sen's thriller Gaami locks a surprise date

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,February 07 2024]

Mass Ka Das Vishwak Sen has made a name for himself in the Telugu film industry with his exciting and diverse filmography. One of his upcoming projects, Gaami, is a dark thriller that has been eagerly anticipated by fans and critics alike.

At a recent Comic-Con Hyderabad event, the film's first look poster was unveiled, leaving audiences captivated and intrigued. The makers of Gaami have now announced an official release date, setting the stage for a summer cinematic experience.

The film is scheduled to hit theaters on March 8, 2024, marking a special day for Vishwak Sen. Interestingly, this date was initially reserved for another one of his films, Gangs of Godavari. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, Gaami will now take center stage on the big screen.

The post-production work for Gaami is almost complete, with a runtime finalized at 2 hours and 24 minutes. Director Vidyadhar Kagitha has dedicated nearly two years to bring this project to life, and his meticulous attention to detail promises an immersive and engaging cinematic journey.

In various interviews, Vishwak Sen has expressed his excitement and passion for Gaami. He believes it to be one of his finest works to date and can't wait to share it with his fans and the general audience.

The film boasts an ensemble cast, including MG Abhinaya, Mohammad Samad, Dayanand Reddy, and Harika Pedada. Each actor brings their unique talents to the forefront, contributing to the film's depth and intrigue. Producer Karthik Sabareesh and presenter V Celluloid have joined forces to make Gaami a compelling cinematic experience.

Chandini Chowdary takes on the role of the female lead, marking a significant project for the actress who has been seeking a solid hit in recent years. Vishwak Sen, known for his versatility, transforms into an Aghora in Gaami, exuding a menacing and unforgettable presence.

The film's production involved a substantial budget and features impressive visual effects. Shot primarily in Kasi, Gaami promises to deliver haunting and atmospheric visuals that will leave a lasting impact on audiences.