Vivek Agnihotri defends 'The Kashmir Files' against allegations of Islamophobia 

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,May 08 2022]

Filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri, who's last film 'The Kashmir Files' become a phenomenal hit, recently shared how certain groups of people are trying to malign the success of his film by calling it fictional and islamophobic. Few days back, Vivek had lashed out on Wikipedia for describing film's plot as fictional and inaccurate and during a recent press event in Delhi, he defended the film against allegations of Islamophobia.

Vivek stated, Every major player, who maligns India’s image internationally without checking the truth, started calling me and their line of the question was only Hindu-Muslim. Nobody, not even one bothered to ask me about all those victims who I interviewed for this movie. Not even one tried to ask me about the facts I’ve shown in the movie and whether they are right or wrong.

The filmmaker further added, There is an international political campaign against the film. They blame us for Islamophobia. I categorically put on record that Islamophobia is being used as a political weapon against my film under an international political conspiracy. The film is actually anti-terrorism. The film does not use even once the word ‘Muslim’. The film does not use the word Pakistan or Pakistani. It’s an anti-terrorism film.