Wait, What? Amitabh Bachchan Scared To Work With These Actresses?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,August 28 2018]

Bollywood’s Shahenshah Amitabh Bachchan have won million hearts and still continues to wow us each and every time he appears on the screens. From huge fan base that includes children, youngsters to elderly people, everyone is deeply impressed by Big B. But, today during a press conference he confessed that he is scared to work with these actresses!

At the launch of his upcoming show ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati’, Big B was asked about Indian cinema's leading ladies. The superstar revealed that he's scared to work with the younger lot because they are so brilliant. “From the younger lot, Alia, Anushka and Deepika – all of them are such powerful actors that I am scared to work with them. Kha hi jaayege humko.” He further said, “We took years and years and are still trying to fine-tune our craft but these people, they come first day on the set and know exactly what they are doing. They are so confident, mature.

Big B is currently busy with the Ayan Mukerji's ‘Brahmastra’ alongside Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Mouni Roy and Nagarjuna and also says that he is fortunate that he is getting an opportunity to work with the likes of Alia and Ranbir.