Waiting ends for Oru Naal Varum, Nallavan

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,July 08 2010]

As the fight over various issues among the film associations has come to a temporary halt, the new Malayalam movies will start getting into theatres from tomorrow. Though the associations were prepared to go to any extent to fix their demands, nothing remarkable happened even after three months of deadlock. Everything is as the same as that existed in last April when the agitations began.

The much eagerly awaited movie to arrive this July will be ‘Oru Naal Varum’ featuring Mohanlal in the script of Sreenivasan after a gap of six years. The movie directed by T K Rajeev Kumar will get into 75 centres. Jayasuriya's ‘Nallavan’ by Aji John will be released in 56 centres.

The former movie is expected to end the lookout for a big hit by Mohanlal and his fans while the later is expected to give a big career boost to Jayasuriya who appears in four different get ups in the action and revenge saga.