Watch: Actress Mia George's bridal shower party

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,September 09 2020]


Actress Mia George is prepping up for her wedding, which is set to happen by the end of this month. A day ago, the actress' friends threw a surprise bridal shower party for the diva and the video of the same has gone viral on social media.

The bridal shower party, which was organized by friends who have studied together with Mia since childhood, was organized in a house. In the video we see Mia being brought to the spot after decorating the entire house and preparing everything. The actress is seen all excited and glowing at the event. The video was shared by Mia's sister Gini through her Youtube channel.

Miya George got engaged to Ashwin Philip, a businessman, in the month of June amid lockdown. It is said to be a purely arranged marriage for Miya. The close-knit ceremony was held at the groom's house with very few in attendance.