What? Arun Jaitley acted in Hindi film?!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,November 07 2017]

What if we said our Union Finance Minister acted in a Hindi film? Yes, he did. Picture proof is out here. It has been discovered by a Twitter user named Dibyasundar Nayak (@dibyabttb). "You all have seen Shashi Tharoor in Andaz Apna Apna. But did you spot @arunjaitley in Chup Chup Ke?" he says in a lighter vein, pointing out a character artist who just looks like Jaitley.

It's a matter of pride that one more political heavyweight has a secret filmi background.

If you dig deeper, you may well discover many more such gems. Who knows, Narendra Modi might have acted in a Chiranjeevi movie, and Ram Nath Kovind in a Jandhyala drama!