What is Teja's psychology?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,April 26 2018]

Not just creative capabilities but also individual qualities too come into play in deciding one's career graph in the creative industries.  The film industry, where crores of rupees ride on a project, is no exception to this rule.

It's telling that Teja, who was on the cusp of acquiring stardom (after he lost it in the 2000s) after bagging Balakrishna's 'NTR' and Venkatesh's 'Aaata Naade Veta Naade', is now back to square one.  'Nene Raju Nene Mantri' last year gave him a huge momentum.  But it has been dissipated, either because of Teja himself or otherwise.  'NTR' and 'ANVN' were unarguably the biggest projects in his career.  

One wonders if Teja is temperamentally not cut out for anything huge.  Even when 'Nuvvu Nenu' became a blockbuster in 2001, he decided to do 'Jayam' instead of a film with an established star.  He repeated the same after 'Jayam' became a blockbuster.  His career fizzled out a few years later since he was wary of big projects.  This is not to say he is risk-averse, since he has taken many risks in his career.  Somehow, star heroes and massive projects seem to intimidate him.  

Hope Teja bounces back with a small film in a big way sooner than later!