WhatsApp group video chats: 8 users can use it together now!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,April 30 2020]

WhatsApp group video chats are now available to 8 users at a time. As per TechRadar, the feature was rolled out for iPhone users on April 27, and is now available to those with Android phones too.

The company has introduced this exciting feature to be able to compete better with Zoom and Skype.

There has been an increase in demand for group video calls because of the number of people around the world self-isolating because of the coronavirus pandemic, WhatsApp says in a blog post.

The end-to-end encryption feature of WhatsApp makes it safer than other options, say some privacy advocates. In terms of security, especially given that millions of techies/corporate employees/professionals across the world are using video calls as part of their work, WhatsApp is an attractive option.

Those wishing to make use of the new feature must use an updated version of the App.