When Akhil gifts to Manoj

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,June 06 2016]

Whenever celebs exchange gifts, pleasantries and the like, it makes news. Birthday gifts, anniversary gifts down South are rare to come by, unlike in Bollywood. However, with many of today's star sons having been friends and being on good terms, we often are witness to their virtual bonding on social media, for example. This time around, friends Manchu Manoj and Akhil Akkineni have made news for one such reason.

The news is that Akhil gifted the Manchu actor a pet on the latter's wedding anniversary the other day. The pet belongs to the breed Alaskan Malamute. By the way, Akhil has a wide range of breeds from across the world.

After getting this sweet gift, Manoj made known the news to the world. "New addition to our family :) pl welcome Zoya:) I thank @AkhilAkkineni8 for gifting us 'Zoya' for our anniversary:)"