When Rajini makes another 'K' movie, he will 'Organize'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,March 02 2018]

After the release of the Teaser of 'Kaala', an interesting analysis has emerged about what must be on Pa.Ranjith's mind. It seems that there will be another 'K' film from the Ranjith-Rajinikanth duo.

In the teaser, the words 'Kattravai' and 'Pattravai' are heard towards the end and these words literally mean 'Educate' and 'Agitate'. In the Telugu version, the words are something else. But going by the Tamil version, it's Ambedkar's philosophy which the director is propagating.

The framer of the Constitution believed in the motto of 'Educate, Agitate, Organize' for the emancipation of Dalits. As per columnist Sowmya Rajendran, 'Kabali' represented the 'Educate' part, as Rajini's character was involved in educating the poor Tamils in Malaysia. 'Kaala' seems to represent the 'Agitate' part. Kaala Seth will be seen "fighting to protect" the Tamil migrants in Mumbai.

Logically speaking, there should be another film which will represent the last part of Ambedkar's motto - 'Organize'. Will Rajini be a politician in this film? What will he organize for? Only time will tell.