When Rakul rejected Puri Jagannadh

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,May 17 2015]

Rakul Preet Singh, who is currently basking in the glory of her Tollywod stint, has apparently turned down an offer from none other than Puri Jagannadh. Brace yourselves; you're in for a mighty shock. The Shimla-based actress may have the Tollywood masses out of the palm of her well-manicured hand, but when she was new to showbiz, she had very little clue about what she was doing.

When Puri approached the petite actress for a role in one of his films a few years back, Rakul, who was in still her academics, had to turn down the offer since Puri asked for 70 days for shooting.

Fearing attendance shortage in her college, Rakul was not fascinated with the two month schedule and instead asked Puri to give her role that can be wrapped up in a week's time. The filmmaker was left shocking!