Whole world must love this talented American dog!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,October 30 2019]

“Our canine, as they call — I call it a dog, a beautiful dog, a talented dog — was injured and brought back.  Wondering whose words are these?  These are of the world's most powerful person.  We are talking about Donald Trump, the American President.  The dog he is referring to here is a military dog that was used by the US security forces in their mission to kill ISIS founder al-Baghdadi.

Pres Trump has declassified a photo of the Delta Force dog that chased ISIS funder/leader al-Baghdadi down a tunnel in Syria where the terrorist detonated a bomb, killing himself and three children. The dog (name remains classified) was injured and is recovering, a commentator said.  

Some dogs are special and some special dogs are gold.  This one is that.