Why should I pay Rs 1.50 lakh?: Chinmayi

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,December 29 2018]

It's known that playback singer Chinmayi's membership was recently terminated by Kollywood's Dubbing Union on the pretext that her membership fees is due.  This arbitrary decision came weeks after she exposed lyricist Varaimuthu's sexual harassment of herself and others.

Latest, the Union has demanded that she should pay Rs 1.5 lakh to get her membership back.  Apparently, I have to pay Rs 1.5 lakh, send an apology letter and THEN the dubbing Union will reinstate me and let me work in Tamilnadu in Tamil films. The Union has made lakhs from my Income since 2006. And I have to pay 1.5 lakh again for my right to work.  With all due respect very big actors and directors are ‘Lifetime Members’ of the Dubbing Union after dubbing perhaps one film or two on a friendly basis. I have been working since 2006 and I have to become a ‘New Member', Chinmayi tweets out.

The Dubbing Union by law says Rs 2,500 is the fee to become a new member. What is this random 1.5 Lakh fee + apology? she says.  And the greatest take away from the Dubbing Union’ Press Meet - IF you complain of sexual harassment, quit the industry and go work as a housemaid (in precisely 10 houses).  Other dubbing union female members vigorously applaud. The Message? 'Stay silent, or else', Chinmayi asks.