Will Jyotika-Suriya scorch the screen together?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,January 10 2015]

The latest buzz in the K-town is, Pandiraj will be directing Suriya and Jyotika for a cameo appearance in his untitled kids' centric movie. Bindhu Madhavi is playing the lead role and a believable birdie claims that almost 90 percent of the movie has been shot and Pandiraj is waiting for Suriya and Jyotika to allot few days from their hectic schedule to complete the movie.

The movie is getting financial support from Suriya's 2D Entertainments, so, there's a possibility that the most adorable, on/off screen couple to appear on-screen after 8 years. Jyotika is busy with the remake of, How Old Are You', and Suriya is on the verge of completing, Masss'.