Will speak when time is right: Poonam Kaur Lal

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,April 06 2018]

Poonam Kaur Lal is back.  Strong messaging and oblique references go hand in hand with her.

I am experiencing how innocent people are cornered.  I am seeing how just to save their own deceiving self, they can let anyone suffer, is one of her latest posts.

Sharing a Swami Vivekananda quote, Poonam asserts, As some claim to be treating women as Devi maa, and some interpret sincerity and honesty as weakness, may the true ones win.

But the big tweet came when a follower asked her to be clear.  I am sure of speaking when the time is right.  Anything which I say now will be misinterpreted and misused, and will distract from what it is, she notes.