'Wolverine' at the Top

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,July 30 2013]

In the very weekend that it was released, Hugh Jackman starrer clawed mutant film, 'Wolverine' has grossed a whooping 15 crore rupees! This sum is the highest, than even Tim lifetime profit of an 'X-Men' title, excepting only 'X-Men: First Class', and is the third highest weekend grosser for Fox Star Studios, next to 'Avatar' and 'Life of Pi'.

This statistics has put India in the 3rd position in Asia Pacific region and 10th Internationally, as a promising movie market. Vijay Singh, CEO of Fox Star Studios spoke to the media in all excitement We are happy with the sort of reception the film has garnered. This has effectively set the platform for the next film in the 'X-Men' series. Earning a total of $ 150.1 million, 'Wolverine' has become the highest weekend grosser ever. The next in the 'X-Men' series is to release next year and is titled 'X-Men: Days of Future Past'.

Have you watched the film that is creating headlines world over? Tell us how you liked 'Wolverine' over the weekend.