Women carries husband on her back to get disability certificate

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,April 04 2018]

A woman hailing from Mathura, Uttar Pradesh had to carry her differently-abled husband on her back to the Chief Medical Officer’s office. The wife, Vimala had to do this in order to obtain a disability certificate for her husband.

Vimala’s husband was a truck driver by profession and had his leg amputed a few months back due to some medical conditions. When she reached the CMO office, she was asked for the husband’s photograph, only following which the issuance procedure would be continued. And owing to the lack of a tricycle or a wheel chair, Vimala had to carry her husband on her back bringing to light the blatant apathy.

UP Minister Bhupendra Chudhary has stated that it was a sad incident to happen in a civilised world and assured to inspect the case and help accordingly.