Worldwide killings from Covid-19 are due to China: Trump

Donald Trump, a day after warning WHO over Covid-19, has lashed out at China for being inefficient in handling the virus, thereby ensuring the death of many across the world.

Some wacko in China just released a statement blaming everybody other than China for the Virus which has now killed hundreds of thousands of people. Please explain to this dope that it was the “incompetence of China”, and nothing else, that did this mass worldwide killing! Trump tweeted a while ago.

Soon enough, his critics pointed out that Trump had lauded China fifteen times in January and February on Covid-19. He fawned, 'on behalf of the American people, I want to thank President Xi', a commentator wrote.

A Twitter handle titled The Democrats said, Trump ignored warnings, refused to demand transparency from China, and delayed increased testing. Trump’s failure of judgement left us unprepared for this crisis — and now he’s failing to lead us out of it.

Political commentator Greg Sargent, too, is critical of Trump. He tweeted, No matter how hard Trump tries to lie this out of existence, he accepted/amplified China's claims about coronavirus for weeks, to prop up his own deranged lie that he had it under control here & that we didn't have to worry about it, helping lead to thousands of needless deaths.