Would Bollywood notice Panjaa?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,October 07 2011]

It has been gala time for stories with elements of action, romance, comedy and a bit of larger-than-life heroism. This explains why more and more dream merchants in Bollywood have been enamoured of films like Ghajini, Pokiri, Ready, Gharshana (Mani Ratnam's film of the '80s), Bodyguard, Dookudu etc.

Going by the trend, would Panjaa too be noticed by some producer or the other in Bollywood? The answer to this question would be a confident yes. For one, the film is high on adrenaline action. For another, it has a mafia backdrop and other intriguing elements.

Though the film has not released, expectations on it are high. Perhaps the film will be watched by wannabes in Bollywood for sure if it becomes a hit.

Panjaa has got a responsibility to live up to the expectations of Pawan's fans as well as the fans of South Indian films in Bollywood. Aha!

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