Write your own review on 'Balupu'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,June 27 2013]

Ravi Teja is ready to show his 'Balupu' in a grand manner. Taking into consideration his recent form, he is in much need of a hit and the team seems to have worked out for a blockbuster.

What do you think of this movie ? Will Ravi Teja make a strong comeback with this movie ? Can he deliver his mark entertainer and amuse with his trademark punches. Can he excite with his action sequences ? Will Shruthi Haasan heat up with her glamour ? What do you think is the contribution of Anjali to this movie ?

Will Gopichand Malineni join the league of big directors with this flick ? Will Thaman's background score elevate the scenes ? Will Kona Venkat and Bobby's dialogues blast in the theatres ? Who will be the positives and the negatives of the film ?

Put down your thoughts into a brief review of your own.