"Will meet you soon" - Yashika shares a heartfelt note to her late friend

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,February 01 2022]

Yashika survived a grave accident a few months ago and lost her loving friend 8-year-old Vallichatti Pavani in the mishap. Recently Yashika took too her Instagram handle to share some pictures of her and penned a heartfelt note

You were sunshine in a human form. I am always grateful to have known u for these many years. It’s your birthday and my heart breaks to digest the fact you are no longer here and I feel so regretful for everything that has caused this. I miss your smile, by this time I would have called you and got to see your beautiful face. While you were working there in USA. I miss our spineless conversations, our momo cravings, your smiling face and kiddo talks. I don’t know if I’ve ever trusted someone as much as I’ve trusted u. Yu have Literally sat down with me for my 10th board exams revision’s and put sense into this dumb head. You were a pillar in my life … though I’ve seen and been around people who use me and are fake to me, who have betrayed me in many ways. You were my true genuine bond for years. We never had one fight between us ( touch wood ) but all these things seem to look possible from one end. You’re up in the sky like a star ️ watching me and guiding me in my life. Sometimes the fact you’re no more eats me up from inside and breaks me. Every dream of yours I want to fulfil. I miss u so much that I myself can’t imagine the pain that your family will be going through, she wrote.

Remembering the years-long friendship she wrote, You’ve seen me from a 16yo kid to an adult woman. You’ve been with me from the time when I was nothing… you’ve seen the mistakes I’ve made .. you’ve seen my growth as an individual. You knew me in and out and so did I. I would speak a word and you would complete my sentence. This kind of pure love I don’t know if I’ll ever find. Happy birthday my Scooby Dooby.

Will meet u on the other side soon. Until then I’m here missing u all day and cherishing our memories. Listening to your voice notes on. Some of your pictures I clicked the last week you were with me and you seemed so excited to post them. You’re not here but the pretty face in these pictures make it seem so lively. Hope you also were here with us it was a blessing knowing u. Love u to the moon and back. God could take me instead of my lucky charm.#rip #missyou! Just want to hug u tightest right now …. Always in my prayers and heart. Miss u Angel , she concluded.