Yes, Vidya Balan can be glamorous!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,September 05 2006]

When 'Lagaan' released, Gracy Singh was slotted as a female who could only do a village belle/simple girl roles. The same was said immediately for Vidya Balan who was quite impressive in 'Parineeta' and looked like a million bucks but was nevertheless slotted as an actress who could only act in films with a traditional flavor.

In fact when her name was announced for 'Salaam E Ishq', eye brows were raised about her unique pairing with stud-man John Abraham. Well, all those eye brows should now return to being normal with the release of 'Lagey Raho Munnabhai'! As Radio Jockey Jhanvi, Vidya Balan has looked ultra glamorous with zero signs of any skin show or vulgarity whatsoever.

She has played a working girl from Mumbai to perfection is and is just right in her diction, attitude, body language, looks and mannerisms. She always had a photogenic face as her strength but now in her glamorous avtar in spite of clothed in normal day to day wear sans any designer outfits, she has made people sit up and take notice.

Yes, Vidya Balan can be glamorous! And she proves it with style (pun intended)!