Yogi Babu's epic troll of Pakistani cricket fans

Yogi Babu is not only the most sought after comedy hero in Tamil cinema but also a sportsman who plays football and cricket like a pro and does so in every free time he gets during shootings. On Wednesday when India lost to New Zealand in a thriller of a match in the World Cup semi finals Pakistani fans took to social media to troll the team. They are wrongly under the impression that India deliberately lost England during the league stage so that Pakistan wouldn't make it to the semis.

Yogi Babu has trolled the misinformed fans posting Well played #TeamIndia ??
Pakistan people before celebrating our loss first give advice to your team players how to enter in Semi-Final ???? Win or loose we r always better than your team

Yogi Babu's comedy caper 'Gurkha' directed by Sam Anton is releasing on July 12th and will be pitted against 'Gorilla' which also has him sharing screen space with Jiiva and Shalini Pandey. Its going to be a double whammy of Yogi Babu this weekend at the box office.